Bringing up quail is inexpensive, easy, provides very healthy less fat white meat, and supplies the fertilizer you need for your garden. The initial start-up costs for rearing quail are well worth it.
It you are considering going into the business of farming quail or perhaps you are already in the business, you have one major aim, to make an income. For people who desire to take their raising quail hobby to the next level of manufacturing and marketing large numbers as a business, there is a large market for them out there right now. The cost of feed and supplies is minimal considering all the meat plus eggs you receive for your work.
Farming Quail however will require more than just feed and tools. That also needs a commitment by you, to keep a clean plus healthy environment. When keeping quail, sickness is your biggest opponent. Studies in this area have found that 80% of all quail mortality may have been prevented with proper management.
Newbies should start with the Coturnix quail. The Japanese or Coturnix quail are the most effective growing and recreating birds. Fortunately they are the best specie of quail to raise for meat and eggs. These quail have an impressive resistance to disease, start laying at 6 weeks of age, and can be consumed at four to five weeks of age. Coturnix and lots of other kinds of quail and their eggs are marketed the year through by game bird farms all over the world. Maintaining the same quantity of hours under lighting will keep your Coturnix quail laying eggs throughout the year.
Note that Coturnix quail kept outdoors will not lay past autumn so if you wish eggs year round, they should be kept indoors. Under the right conditions, each female bird will lay about 300 eggs per year. Quail eggs are also a delightful delicacy offered in many professional kitchens. It takes about 3 Coturnix quail eggs to equal one small chicken egg. A lot of producers deal a few years ahead for the sale of their birds or eggs.
When beginning any type of business, your goals should be to keep overhead as low as possible and get a fast turn around on your investment. Raising the Coturnix quail in my thoughts and opinions is the best way to get this and start your quail rearing business.
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